Adetel Solution

전화번호: 514-312-9012
팩스: 514-312-9014
주소: 3200 Guénette, Saint-Laurent, Québec, Canada
우편번호: H4S 2G5
지방에: 퀘벡
지도: 보기 큰지도
Web Directory No.LK-77244-5498
Adetel SIE is a Global Leader in providing electronic solutions for embedded deployments.

Available as individual equipment or complete systems for new designs or upgrade programs, our products are designed for the stringent requirements of the embedded world. Our embedded solutions have been designed to provide a reliable option for mobile deployments perfectly suited to the rigors of the embedded world. Our multidisciplinary team is able to support the electronic engineering design, mechanical engineering design, industrial design and software engineering design at all levels. Adetel group is a Worldwide company.
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