웹사이트: www.cklq.mb.ca
전화번호: 204-726-8888
팩스: 204-726-1270
주소: 624 14th St E, Brandon, MB, Canada
우편번호: R7A 7E1
도시 : Brandon
지방에: 매니토바
지도: 보기 큰지도
Miscellaneous Publishing
Advertising, Nec
Commercial Art and Graphic Design
Entertainers and Entertainment Groups
Web Directory No.LK-267778-11726
CKLQ is an AM radio station serving Brandon, Manitoba, Canada and the surrounding area. It currently broadcasts at 880 kHz at a power of 10,000 watts, airing a country music format, along with radio coverage of Brandon Wheat Kings junior ice hockey. CKLQ is owned and operated by Riding Mountain Broadcasting, a subsidiary of Westman Communications Group.

CKLQ started broadcasting in 1977 at a frequency of 1570 kHz and moved to its current frequency in 1985.[1] It is housed, with its sister station CKLF, at 624 14th Street East, on Brandon's southeast side.
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