Telematic Controls Inc .

전화번호: 403-253-7939
주소: 3364 114th Ave SE, Calgary, AB, Canada
우편번호: T2Z 3V6
도시 : 캘거리
지방에: 앨버타
지도: 보기 큰지도
Apparel, Finished Prdcts from Fabrics & Similar Materials
Manufacturing Industries, Nec
Business Services, Nec
Web Directory No.LK-103318-4297
We are a leading distributor of pressure, temperature, flow & level process control instrumentation serving the global process control community. We believe everything we do should be about improving how we can better serve you, fulfill your needs and be an important part of your future.

At Telematic Controls, service is a key strength, we are committed to serving you long after you've purchased the product. We have a reputation for keeping our promises.

Your satisfaction is our goal, when you achieve clarity, understanding and value from your supplier, you win. We work hard to give you that winning experience. Our aim is to provide the products you trust in a manner that makes your job easier. Our commitment is to satisfy your instrumentation needs with economical, timely solutions. We adhere to a high standard of performance and are here to serve you. We take great pride in going the distance to meet your needs, it's what we're all about, every day.
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