Boilermakers Local 128

전화번호: 905-315-1040
팩스: 905-332-9057
주소: 1035 Sutton Drive, Burlington, ON
우편번호: L7L 5Z8
지방에: 온타리오
지도: 보기 큰지도
Web Directory No.LK-33852-4766
Lodge 128 celebrates fifty continuous years of service to boilermakers in Ontario as of 19 May 1997. Those charter-members of 1947 could never have imagined the legacy that the boilermakers of today, 1997, would leave to the next generation.

The trade, of course, has a much longer history in Ontario, Lodge 128’s past administrations have been involved in its development for well over one hundred years.

Many lodges have been chartered in the province which are no longer in existence. Some had a very short duration, others survived for many decades. Nothing stays the same in life, but we’ll try to keep Lodge 128 in focus, as we review the boilermakers’ history in Ontario.
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