WIS Canada

웹사이트: www.wisintl.com
전화번호: 905-677-1947
다른번호: 1-800-268-6848
팩스: 905-677-1945
주소: 3770 Nashua Drive, Suite #5, Mississauga, ON
우편번호: L4V 1M6
지방에: 온타리오
지도: 보기 큰지도
Web Directory No.LK-34129-5649
WIS International has been delivering accurate results to many of the biggest names in retailing and manufacturing for more than fifty years. With more than 200,000 physical inventory counts taken every year, WIS International has become one of the industry's largest and most trusted suppliers of Inventory Counting Services and Merchandising Services worldwide. WIS International offers true global coverage with operations in 8 countries across 4 continents. With ever-evolving, industry-leading technology and a dedicated, highly-trained staff, WIS International provides the highest levels of service in the industry.

WIS International provides physical inventory counting services to all types of businesses. Proprietary technology and a skilled workforce allow WIS International to efficiently and accurately conduct financial or item level inventory counts. Reporting is customized based on the needs of each client, and we can assist both corporate and store management in improving operating results.
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