Morheat Inc.

전화번호: 416-675-7329
다른번호: 1-800-817-3486
팩스: 416-675-7349
주소: 63 Galaxy Blvd, Unit 11, Etobicoke, ON
우편번호: M9W 5R7
지방에: 온타리오
지도: 보기 큰지도
Web Directory No.LK-2137-5877
MPI MELT PRESSURE manufactures plastic melt pressure transducers to economically replace units from BRAND-D, ISI, Gefran, GP50, and Gentran.

Our full range of products include : Melt Pressure Transmitters, Melt Pressure Digital Gages, Melt Pressure Indicators, Melt Pressure Controllers and Rupture Discs (disks)

Our extrusion melt pressure transducers come standard with Inconel Diaphragms and can be made with various diaphragm coatings including a 3 Layered Tip for very aggessive media.

Most melt pressure products are shipped from stock in Buffalo and Toronto.

Full support and in house transducer repairs will help any plant to avoid downtime.
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