Melanie Carter Family Law

웹사이트: www.melaniecarterfamilyla...
전화번호: 403-233-9300
팩스: 403-233-6050
주소: 224 11th Ave SW, Suite 201, Calgary, Alberta
우편번호: T2V 0C3
도시 : 캘거리
지방에: 앨버타
지도: 보기 큰지도
Legal Aid and Services
Web Directory No.LK-367905-8779
Melanie M. Carter Barrister & Solicitor with Kirk Montoute LLP

Melanie M. Carter serves Calgary, Alberta and area, specializing in family law services.

•Child Support
•Prenuptial and Cohabitation Agreements
•Separation Agreements
•Contact/Parenting Time
•Custody and Access
•Spousal Support
•Matrimonial and Common Law Property Division
•Mobility (Parental Relocations Involving Children)
•Restraining Order
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