Victoria Park Florist

전화번호: 416-502-2566
팩스: 416-502-2566
주소: 3626 Victoria Park Avenue, Toronto, Ontario
우편번호: M2H 3B2
도시 : 북쪽 요크
지방에: 온타리오
지도: 보기 큰지도
Web Directory No.LK-59861-3176
For more than twelve years, the Victoria Park Florist has been creating a wide spectrum of unique, novel designs on floral arts. We heartily appreciate your support and sponsorship.

Our professional florists and horticulturists are at your service, meeting floricultural needs on occasions of wedding, inauguration, conferences, exhibitions, anniversaries and funeral ceremonies.

Response to the following famed designs (as illustrated) introduced in recent years for funeral ceremonies is extremely encouraging:

1. The Prosperity (VT) Series- with a solemn theme and a strong sense of remembrance, it conveys relatives' grieving on loss of their loved ones;

2. The Longevity (VU) Series- providing a general feeling of harmony and serenity, it expresses wishes for blending in with the nature;

3. The Eternity (VS) Series- emphasizing on divine destination towards an ultimate rest, it inspires wisdom and triumph over physical limitations;

4. The Celebrity (VR) Series - transpiring admirable qualities of life, it reflects nice memories persisting in the blessed hearts of relatives and friends.

While our florists endeavor their expertise to present the best, we welcome customers' sharing of personal tastes on elegance and thoughts to be expressed in our artistic work. Input from individuals concerned would definitely lead to perfect satisfaction. We treasure your views.

24hr Service
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