Maple Screw Products Toronto

전화번호: 416-745-9600
팩스: 416-745-9620
주소: 37 Penn Drive, Toronto, ON
우편번호: M9L 2A6
도시 : 북쪽 요크
지방에: 온타리오
지도: 보기 큰지도
Web Directory No.LK-5259-4189
MSP is a member of the PMPA (Precision Machine Products Association), located in Toronto, Ontario, producing turned parts to 4-inch diameter, specializing in the automotive industry.

MSP is a low cost, high volume manufacturer.

MSP, with a strict focus on quality, has accomplished the goal of being an industry leader with parts assembled into more than 175 million cars and trucks over the past 25 years.

MSP is fast, inexpensive and efficient.
** 어떤 정보가 오류를보고 싶다면, 제발, 당신은 페이지의 콘텐츠를 업데이 트하려는 경우, 우리에게 세부 정보를 제공해 주시기 바랍니다.