Inovex Inc.

전화번호: 905-337-9514
팩스: 905-337-7965
주소: 1200 Speers Road, Unit 26, Oakville, ON
우편번호: L6L 2X4
도시 : 옥빌
지방에: 온타리오
지도: 보기 큰지도
1200 Speers Road, Unit 26, Oakville, ON
이메일: 여기를 클릭하세요
Web Directory No.LK-10931-4463
Founded May 2003, Inovex has carved itself into the software industry through our dedication to quality, service and value. Our highly structured approach is what distinguishes us: dedication to robust design translates into organized, adaptable and timely solutions. What results is a complete package that meets your functional and budgetary requirements.

Our clients include small businesses and large industry leaders who are searching for ways to improve their competitive edge, or cut excessive administrative costs. Some of the symptoms experienced include:

- lost profits due to inefficiencies in database systems
- costly delays surrounding data sharing and inconnectivity issues
- compromises in quality, consistency and reliability with existing software
- suboptimal organization and reporting processes, affecting CRM

Our clients greatly value customized solutions over off the shelf products because they do not have to adjust their business practices trying to adapt. Off the shelf products are often costly, have a steep learning curve, and require time to properly integrate with your existing infrastucture. Inovex builds software according to your specific needs, and works with you to tailor each solution to the way you want it to be - leaving you in control.

Inovex prides itself on being a cutting edge, fresh and energetic company that is able to provide innovative dynamic solutions. Our vibrant team of technical specialists and business analysts provide the professionalism and vision that our clients value in their custom solutions.
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